Absolute E-Z Up Expands Product Offering to Include Manual Platforms
With the launch of the ISP-7M push-around vertical platform, access equipment distributor Absolute E-Z Up has expanded its product offering to include manual lift equipment. The ISP-7M offers a maximum platform height of 7 feet, 1 inch and a maximum working height of 13 feet, 6 inches.
The compact manual platform is 28.7 inches wide and 45 inches long, and weighs 617 pounds, making maneuverable. The ISP-7M is designed to be used virtually anywhere and eliminates the need for ladders, increasing work site safety.
“We’re excited to offer our first push-around vertical platform,” said Mike Buley, managing director of AEUP. “The ISP-7M offers our customers a safe and cost-effective alternative for stocking and merchandising, cleaning, maintenance or any other task where ladders or electric lifts would be necessary to reach high areas.”
AEUP is based in Charleston, S.C., and is the exclusive North, Central and South American distributor of Bravi access equipment. For more information, visit www.absolutee-zup.com.