Start Us Up USA! Calls on Governors for Infrastructure Support
As part of a continuing effort to create jobs and improve the United States’ economy, trade groups Associated Equipment Distributors this week sent letters to gubernatorial candidates urging them, if elected, to work with their legislatures and congressional delegations to make surface transportation and water infrastructure investment a top priority.
The letter is the latest effort by Start Us Up USA!, the national grassroots campaign led by AED and AEM, to draw attention to the economic crisis facing construction equipment distributors and manufacturers. The campaign encourages dialogue about the need for sustained investment in the country’s infrastructure and the consequences of inaction.
Gubernatorial candidates are the latest target of the Start Us Up USA! campaign this election season. Last month, the campaign sent an infrastructure campaign pledge to federal office seekers allowing them to commit to robust federal investment in surface transportation and water infrastructure programs next Congress. More than 50 candidates have thus far signed the pledge, including a bipartisan group of senior members of Congress and top challengers.
"With direct responsibility for ensuring the viability and functioning of a state's transportation network and water systems, gubernatorial support and commitment in the fight for infrastructure investment is critical," said Toby Mack, AED president and CEO. "Their support will not only bring their state a bounty of long-term rewards, but will yield immediate benefits by jump-starting a struggling economy and creating jobs."
"Those seeking higher office must lead the way in securing needed investments for our roads, bridges, and water networks,” said AEM president Dennis Slater. “Now is the time for state leaders to demonstrate the political will to ensure our long-term economic competitiveness while at the same time giving a needed boost to stagnant job growth, improving roads for drivers, and ensuring safe drinking water for all."
For more information on the Start Us Up USA!, visit