United Rentals CEO Interviewed on Fox about Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
United Rentals CEO Michael Kneeland was interviewed on Fox News Business Channel about United’s role in providing disaster relief in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Kneeland told the channel that in the case of a hurricane, the company has the benefit of anticipation, enabling it to ship in equipment from other parts of the country into staging areas in advance.
Kneeland explained that United Rentals gathered large quantities of pumps and generators especially, as well as material handling forklifts and earthmoving equipment and fuel for the equipment.
Kneeland added that rebuilding after the initial cleanup will take years of work.
To view the interview, click on: http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/1939231584001/united-rentals-ceo-on-supplying-equipment-for-hurricane-sandy.
Greenwich, Conn.-based United Rentals is No. 1 on the RER 100.