Dynapac USA to Integrate With Atlas Copco Sales Organization

Jan. 8, 2010
Dynapac LLC, a company within the Atlas Copco Group, will become fully integrated into the sales organization for all Atlas Copco construction products sold in the United States market.

Dynapac LLC, a company within the Atlas Copco Group, will become fully integrated into the sales organization for all Atlas Copco construction products sold in the United States market.

The goal of the integration is to allow Atlas Copco to maximize efficiencies and manage costs by sharing its business structure with Dynapac. This will provide Atlas Copco and Dynapac customers with access to more complete product lines and an extensive parts inventory and distribution system.

“Both Atlas Copco and Dynapac bring qualified and experienced people to the table, which will provide stronger resources for dealers and thus strong local product support,” said Torbjorn Redaelli, president and general manager of Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA.