
Ditch Witch Offers Orange Armor Maintenance Program

Feb. 22, 2012
The Charles Machine Works, manufacturer of Ditch Witch underground construction equipment, now offers a flexible planned maintenance program designed to help customers protect their investment in Ditch Witch equipment.

The Charles Machine Works, manufacturer of Ditch Witch underground construction equipment, now offers a flexible planned maintenance program designed to help customers protect their investment in Ditch Witch equipment.

Available to customers through participating Ditch Witch dealerships, the Orange Armor planned maintenance program offers a variety of ways to keep Ditch Witch equipment in peak operating condition. One of the signature benefits of the Orange Armor program is planned maintenance at factory-suggested intervals, which minimizes downtime due to unanticipated repairs.

“We started [Orange Armor] to help customers better anticipate what their routine maintenance costs would be up front,” said Jayson Shields, CMW manager of parts and service business development. “This allows them to be more proactive about repairs and other things that can cause downtime.”

Shields added that the Orange Armor program is designed to be flexible, so customers can choose as much or as little protection as they want. “Ditch Witch dealers can customize a program to a specific equipment model and usage. This can be a long-term plan or an as-needed plan.”

Routine maintenance can sometimes reveal other equipment issues that customers need to know about and Ditch Witch dealer service technicians are trained to also inspect the machine for any issues that might be developing. They also can check to see if the machine is in compliance with all factory updates.

“The ultimate goal of the Orange Armor planned maintenance program is to make the customer feel more confident and to minimize surprises,” Shields said. “For customers, [Orange Armor] can lower their operating costs, reduce their unplanned downtime, ensure that their equipment is going to work more productively, and extend equipment life. Another substantial benefit of Orange Armor is that it can increase the equipment’s resale value.”

Among the other benefits that dealers may offer through an Orange Armor program are free pick-up and delivery of equipment, reduced rental rates on replacement equipment, in-field service, and extended warranties.

For more information about the Ditch Witch Orange Armor program, call 800-654-6481 or visit