In the context of a real awareness of environmental issues and the tightening of legislation, Haulotte Group, worldwide manufacturer of lifting equipment, recently announced it is taking steps to control and reduce its environmental impact and is integrating its environmental approach into the company’s global management system.
Together, Haulotte Group’s Engineering and Prototypes Departments are working together to meet the emission regulation standards set by the Emissions Regulations Plan launched in 1999, which states that new engines manufactured in Europe must comply with Tier 3/Stage III by 2011, and emissions will have to be reduced by 90 percent.
The stricter the standards become, the more significant the changes to machines, especially those equipped with engines above 37 kW. By 2014, the Tier 4 / Stage IVwill impose upon on- and off-road vehicles, a 95-percent reduction of exhaust emissions bringing that ratio down almost to zero.
In order to prepare for this next stage, the Haulotte teams and their partners are already working on the development of devices and processes adapted to more environmentally friendly machines: particle filters, advanced cooling systems, electronic fuel injection, better quality and ultra-low sulphured fuel.
In addition, the company’s internal processing waste is pushed to the maximum in regard to recycling waste, hydrocarbons separators and sewage treatment facilities. Finally, Haulotte Group is paying special attention to the products present in its plants, and to the way they are used. For example, for several years lead-containing paint has not been used, and dry extract paintings are favored, allowing a significant decrease of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and on several sites powder paints are used, which have zero VOC emissions. Hydraulic oil is distributed using pipelines in order to reduce storage areas and the number of stored barrels.
And to reaffirm its commitment to control the impact of its activities on the environment, the Haulotte Group is working towards obtaining the ISO 14001 certification. This standard is attributed to companies actively integrating the environmental approach into their global management system.