GE Energy Rentals is planning a major international expansion in the next two to three years, Luis Ramirez, president of GE Energy Rentals, said last week.
“We are opening new centers of excellence in Singapore and Brazil that will be the focal point of operations in those two critical regions,” Ramirez said. “The Singapore center will increase our capabilities to serve customers throughout the Pacific region, where we see opportunities for double digit growth over the next three years. The Brazil center in Campinas will be the core of our operations for the South America region where we also expect a high level of activity. The oil and gas sector in Brazil is especially promising, as well as in the Africa-Middle East region. We are also expanding our presence in Mexico, where significant growth opportunities exist for our business.”
GE Energy Rentals also sees southern and western Europe as areas of opportunity. It is expanding in Italy, it is powering a large power plant and other industrial projects in Spain, and is growing its cell tower business in the United Kingdom. GE has provided power for major concerts and golf tournaments in Ireland and is powering mobile phone towers throughout the country. It is a major player in energy markets in the United States and Canada.
Atlanta-based GE Energy Rentals is No. 16 on the RER 100.