IPAF has issued one million PAL Cards certifying training in AWP operation and safety

IPAF Celebrates One Million PAL Cards Issued

Dec. 12, 2014
To celebrate the milestone, IPAF is inviting all valid PAL Card holders to enter a prize drawing.

IPAF has issued the one millionth PAL Card (Powered Access License or Powered Access Licensed Registration in North America) under its voluntary, industry-led operator training program. The program has been certified by TÜV as conforming to ISO 18878.

“The secret of the PAL Card’s success is the guarantee that the training and testing is delivered to consistent standards worldwide by highly motivated and qualified instructors,” said IPAF CEO Tim Whiteman.

To celebrate the milestone, IPAF is inviting all valid PAL Card holders to enter a prize drawing. The PAL Card expires after five years, and there are currently more than 500,000 valid PAL Cards worldwide.

There will be five top prizes for verified operators. Among the prizes is a free trip to the IPAF Summit and International Awards for Powered Access (IAPAs, including flight, accommodations and the gala dinner. The event will be held March 25-26, 2015 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, Va. near Washington, D.C.

All valid PAL Card holders are invited to enter the draw by verifying their PAL Card at www.ipaf.org/checkpal