Portland, Ore.-based ICS, a global supplier of concrete chain saws and the creator of Diamond Chain Technology, last week unveiled a new corporate logo designed to signal a strong new start for the global company. Although the new mark retains the same color and typeface as the original logotype, the oval shape has evolved into a strong rectangle featuring a forward slash cutting through its right side. Complementing the corporate logo is a new product logo, a red diamond with the tip of a concrete chainsaw carving a perfectly square corner. Both logos sport a new tagline — Concrete. Stone. Masonry. Unstoppable — designed to highlight the versatility of ICS saws.
“Our logo design goal was to honor our 15 years of product evolution, but also create a launch pad for what will be a revolution in innovation and quality,” said Jake Vanderzanden, president of ICS, “The new mark shouts strength, action, and forward motion, qualities I see as key to fulfilling our mission of making our chain saws the eventual tool of choice for cutting concrete, stone and masonry.”
According to Vanderzanden, the new look is just the first step in what will be a larger renovation of the global company. Next up are a series of new products and programs, including tougher diamond chains, gas saws with greatly improved reliability, and a new hydraulic saw.
ICS is a division of Blount International, a diversified manufacturing company with global distribution.