
John Deere’s 313 Skid Steer Battles in Latest “Smackdown”

July 3, 2008
The latest battle between John Deere and the competition has proven to be the closest match up to date on the Skid-Steer Smackdown website.

The latest battle between John Deere and the competition has proven to be the closest match up to date on the Skid-Steer Smackdown website. The tug of war at pits the newcomer Deere 313 against a competitor’s machine. Click on “The Battles” on the site to see the outcome.

John Deere highlights its smallest skid steer yet in this competition demonstrating brute strength. The machines are chained to each other in a 34-foot-diameter circle with the object of the battle being for one skid steer to get its own four tires outside the circle.

“The tug of war is proving to be the most surprising battle so far,” said Sam Norwood, manager, John Deere Commercial Worksite Products. “It’s interesting to see the newest addition to the Deere skid-steer family out there mixing it up with a competitor.”

The 313 came into this competition as a rookie, facing an established rival in the small-frame skid-steer landscape. The John Deere 313 and 315 skid steers debuted last fall, giving Deere customers two small-frame options for their fleets and giving owners of other small skid steers the opportunity to move up to the performance and reliability of a Deere.

The John Deere Construction & Forestry’s website is part of the company’s integrated promotional campaign for equipment users that involves unique head-to-head contests between Deere and competitor machines.

Deere & Co. is a leading manufacturer of agricultural and forestry equipment, a major manufacturer of construction equipment, and a leading supplier of equipment used in lawn, grounds and turf care.