Honda Engines Offers Training System to Fire and Police Departments
Honda Engines this week announced that its award-winning Training and Certification System (TACS) now will be offered to fire and police departments that use equipment powered by small engines. The TACS system will be provided to all first responders free of charge to assist them with technical, maintenance and repair information about Honda Engines models utilized on many products within the law enforcement and fire and rescue communities.
The Honda Engines TACS system provides Web-based service training and certification to Honda Engines distributors and more than 10,600 Honda Engines dealers nationwide. The system allows dealer and distributor personnel to complete the latest Honda Engines product and technical training at their own pace while at the dealership. In relation to first responders, the TACS system will allow busy police and fire personnel to learn about both common and uncommon repair and maintenance operations quickly, easily and at their convenience.
“Honda is pleased to offer our nation’s first responders access to the TACS system in relation to the many Honda powered products they use — equipment they need to keep running smoothly for a variety of applications,” said Michael Rickey, manager, Honda Engines. “The TACS program is an easy and convenient way for police and fire personnel to get the technical engine training they want within the constraints of their demanding schedules.”
Fire and police departments wishing to utilize the TACS system may enroll by visiting and locating their closest engine distributor. The local Honda Engines distributor will contact the fire or police department to assist with obtaining a unique user identification and password to easily access the program and all relevant engine information.
Honda Power Equipment, a division of American Honda Motor Co., markets a complete range of outdoor power equipment, including outboard marine engines, general purpose engines, generators, lawnmowers, pumps, snowblowers, tillers and trimmers for commercial, rental and residential applications. Its product line is powered exclusively by 4-stroke engines.