Gorman-Rupp Named Exporter of the Year by Ohio Department of Development
The Gorman-Rupp Co., Mansfield, Ohio, last week was recognized as exporter of the year by the Ohio Department of Development.
Ohio Governor Ted Strickland presented the award to the company at a ceremony in Columbus, Ohio, recognizing 27 Ohio companies receiving the 2009 Governor’s Excellence in Exporting Awards.
Accepting the award on behalf of all Gorman-Rupp employees, president and CEO Jeffrey Gorman acknowledged the strong volume of export business of many Ohio companies and was pleased to have Gorman-Rupp specifically recognized for its strong efforts in expanding international sales and the related jobs they create in Ohio.
The Gorman-Rupp Co. designs, manufactures and sells pumps and related equipment for use in water, wastewater, construction, industrial, petroleum, original equipment, agriculture, fire protection, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, military and other liquid-handling applications.