Ramirent, Helsinki, Finland-based international rental company, has acquired the machinery and equipment rental business of the Czech construction machinery company RENT MB s.r.o., which has branches in Mlada Boleslav, in the central region of the Czech Republic, and Liberec, in the northern part of the country.
“We see good potential in the Czech market as it has a large construction output and a relatively low rental penetration,” said Tomasz Walawender, senior vice president, Ramirent Europe Central. “In one year we have grown our network from 10 to 29 outlets through a series of bolt-on acquisitions, greenfield start-ups and franchised outlets in line with Ramirent’s strategy of developing a nationwide coverage in its markets. RENT MB has a geographical presence which further complements Ramirent’s existing network in Czech Republic.”
The acquisition comes about a month after Ramirent acquired Stavebni Doprava a Mechanizace, a three-location Czech rental company.
Ramirent has 378 branches in 13 countries.