Thomas Honecker, co-owner of K-T Equipment Rentals, Findlay, Ohio, died last week of an apparent heart attack at the age of 61.
Honecker and his father, Ken, acquired an existing rental business in 1970, and grew the business substantially. Honecker graduated from Ohio St. University in 1970 with a degree in animal science with the intention of becoming a veterinarian but ended up sticking with the rental business. His son later developed the same interest in animals and now runs a veterinary practice in Dover, Ohio, a business he began with his father’s help.
Honecker’s wife Mary, in an interview with the Toledo Blade, described her late husband as a savvy businessman who liked to try different lines of equipment to see if they’d be successful. She said that when he began in the rental business, he visited other rental centers and often found them to be dirty and disorganized and resolved from the beginning that his business and equipment would be clean, bright and well-painted.
Honecker also owned and trained English pointers and horses and won many bird dog field trials.
In addition to his wife, son and father, Honecker is survived by his daughter Nicole Beach and four grandchildren.