
Rubber-track compact track loaders

July 1, 2009
Caterpillar introduces three models of compact track loaders — the 279C (pictured), 289C and 299C — which are the newest additions to the company’s line of rubber-track loaders.

Caterpillar introduces three models of compact track loaders — the 279C (pictured), 289C and 299C — which are the newest additions to the company’s line of rubber-track loaders. The units feature a fully suspended undercarriage that employs four independent torsion axles for an improved ride. With 70 inches of track-on-ground, the 18-inch wide rubber tracks are designed to exert low ground pressure, while providing added traction and long service life. The models have rated operating capacities of 3,200, 3,850 and 4,150 pounds at 50 percent of tipping load. Net-horsepower ratings are 82 hp for the 279C and 289C, and 90 hp for the 299C. Lift-arm-path design is radial for the 279C and vertical for the 289C and 299C. Electronic control of the drive system allows continual fine-tuning of the engine, drive pumps and drive motors to deliver controlled tractive effort. Standard hydraulic flow is 22 gpm and rated system pressure is 3,335 psi. The auxiliary-hydraulic system uses a large variable-displacement load-sensing pump and provides a continuous-flow feature.

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