Multiquip introduces the industry's first hydrogen fuel cell-powered light tower, part of a planned series of hydrogen fuel cell-powered products the company plans to launch. The light tower is virtually pollution-free, the company says, and can be operated indoors.
The H2LT is designed to operate for up to 40 hours at a noise level of 43 decibels at 23 feet. The light tower uses plasma light technology that is filament-free and the plasma light bulb produces 22,000 lumens while consuming only 255 watts with a life expectancy of up to 50,000 hours.
“It's reliable due to the lack of moving parts; durable; does not contaminate due to fuel spills; there is very low maintenance; and it is user-friendly, using an automotive-style fuel nozzle,” says Torsten Erbel, vice president product management, engineering and customer support for Multiquip.
Using a process discovered more than 150 years ago, fuel cells began supplying electric power for spacecrafts in the 1960s and were pursued for commercial use in the 1970s. Fuel cells are an alternative to the internal combustion engine with an energy efficiency of more than 50 percent.
Prototypes of the fuel cell-powered H2LT light tower have been used by the California Department of Transportation, film and entertainment companies at media events and will be used by NASA during an upcoming shuttle launch.
Verified by Torsten Erbel, vice president product management, engineering and customer support for Multiquip.
Reader Service No. 140 •
Vital Stats
Illumination: 22,000 lumens
Height: 23 feet
Operation time: up to 40 hours