Toronto-based Systematic, a provider of rental and mobile equipment software, last week announced that Torcan Lift Equipment of Concord, Ontario, is the winner of its recent Systematic Dashboard contest. The prize, a 4-hour trip in an executive jet for the winner and five guests, is a first for the equipment rental industry. Stan Crumbaugh, president of the American Rental Association, will congratulate the winner at booth 1242, during The Rental Show Feb. 12-14 in Las Vegas.
“Our office is buzzing with excitement,” said Fernando Pinheiro, COO of Torcan Lift Equipment. “This luxury prize certainly demonstrates Systematic’s commitment to the rental marketplace.”
The contest, “Are You the Pilot or the Passenger?” posed several questions to senior managers on how closely they tracked their operation, and invited them to view an online demo of Systematic Dashboard, a graphics-based interactive management tool. Viewing the demo automatically entered Torcan Lift Equipment into the contest, which ran from Aug. 1 through to Nov. 30, 2007.
“Access to information is critical to the operation of any equipment rental company and dashboards are fast becoming the de facto management tool,” said Nigel Miller, president and CEO of Systematic. “Our novel contest raised the market’s awareness of Systematic Dashboard as an ideal tool for tracking rental profitability and asset utilization. It is one of the components of our comprehensive access to information strategy.”
Systematic Dashboard is available through Texada Software.