Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers held public unreserved auctions in Phoenix and Las Vegas during this month’s World of Concrete show in Las Vegas, selling $22 million and $25 million of equipment respectively. It also held an annual charity auction at the WOC show.
“Two large Ritchie Bros. auctions close to World of Concrete created a lot of excitement in the industry,” said Richard Aldersley, Ritchie Bros. divisional manager. “We had a huge turnout in Phoenix with particularly strong global demand. More than 30 percent of the equipment in the auction went to buyers from outside the U.S.; most left the state. We’re seeing more confidence in the market now.”
The Las Vegas auction attracted bidders from 31 countries and 45 U.S. states.
Ritchie also held unreserved auctions in India and Panama during the week, its second in six months in each country. Bidders also participated online at www.rbauction.com.