Several hundred people attended a grand opening of Stowers Rent’s new Cat Rental Store facility in west Knoxville, Tenn., May 12.
Among the attendees were customers along with Caterpillar personnel, allied vendors, local political figures and business leaders and Stowers personnel. Door prizes were given out, a barbecue lunch was served, and equipment demonstrations and operating contests were held utilizing Caterpillar as well as allied equipment.
The new facility is 42,000 square feet on a 10-acre lot with training facilities, offices and 16 service bays.
In addition to its separate Caterpillar dealership facility, Stowers Rents has branches in Chattanooga, Crossville and Tri-Cities, Tenn.
The new building opened April 1, and enjoyed a record month of April, despite the inconvenience of moving and getting set up in the new location.
Based in Knoxville, Stowers Rents is No. 58 on the RER 100.