Equipment Development Co. has expanded its relationship with Frederick County, Md., public schools, inviting students from the county's Career & Technology Center to visit EDCO's manufacturing headquarters in Frederick. The CTC teaches high school students trade and job-ready skills. Welding students tour EDCO to learn more about careers at the facility.
Beginning this fall, EDCO now offers student opportunities within its video production department, where it produces online and DVD training videos. CTC students can gain experience working with EDCO's video professional to storyboard, film, and edit these projects.
"Video training and webinars help our customers tremendously,” said Jason Stanczyk, EDCO marketing manager. “We've been looking for ways to expand EDCO's multimedia reach and were blown away by Frederick County Schools' video and graphic arts departments. These students are learning advanced skills and EDCO wants to help. This partnership benefits both EDCO customers and our hometown."
To watch EDCO videos, visit its YouTube channel at