Skyjack’s Director of Product Safety appointed the Chair of the ANSI A92.6 Sub-committee
Skyjack two weeks ago announced that Brad Boehler P. Eng, Skyjack’s director of product safety, has been appointed the chair of the ANSI A92.6 sub-committee. The ANSI A92.6 sub committee is responsible for the standard ANSI/SIA A96.2 Self-propelled elevating work platforms, and any formal interpretations of the standard. Boehler was nominated for this position by previous chair, Bud Hayden, who has decided to step down after many years of service. A majority vote at the main committee meeting held in early November in Baltimore, Md., confirmed the appointment, which was officially made by Dave Merrifield, the chair of the A92 Main Committee.
He is also involved with the Canadian CSA B354 elevating work platforms technical committee, and the ISO Technical Committee 214 (TC 214) - Elevating Work Platforms. Boehler is also a member of the International Powered Access Federation Manufacturer’s Technical Committee, and the FEM Mobile Elevating Work Platforms, Product Group.
Skyjack Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Linamar Corporation and is a manufacturer of self-propelled aerial work platforms. Skyjack has manufacturing facilities and support offices in Canada, United States and Europe, with additional support offices in Asia.