Kioti Tractor recently held an internal business meeting to review its performance in a number of areas including sales, marketing and customer service during the first half of 2011. The company reported a 15.98-percent increase in sales revenue relative to the first half of 2010 and added more than 30 new dealership locations throughout North America.
“We spent a significant amount of time defining Key Performance Indicators for 2011 and establishing their measurement criteria,” said Peter Dong Kyun Kim, CEO, Daedong-USA, Kioti Tractor Division. “Once completed, they were clearly communicated to the staff, along with our corporate vision so that the entire Kioti team was working towards the common goal of becoming a leader in the compact tractor and UTV markets.”
For 2011, the company’s sales are on pace to be at a record high for its 25th year in business in North America. This growth in a sluggish economy comes through the aggressive and ongoing analysis of the marketplace, market share, dealer presence, product support and the product line, the company said.
Headquartered in Wendell, N.C., Kioti Tractor is a market-driven manufacturer of a full line of compact tractor models in the 22- to 90-hp range, and a full line of implements and attachments.