Volvo CE’s Tier 4 Technology a Finalist for IET Innovation Awards
An aspect of Volvo Construction Equipment’s Tier 4 technology has reached the finals of the Institution of Engineering and Technology Innovation Awards, the company said. Volvo CE’s preheated self-regulated air-intake system was developed by design engineer Joakim Haegerstam to ensure articulated haulers meet Tier 4 Final engine emission regulations with maintained or improved performance in cold climates.
The system has been shortlisted in the embedded and critical systems category of the awards, which highlight innovations from around the world.
“The basic principle is that waste heat from the engine heats the intake air and that causes the machine to experience higher ambient temperature than really is the case,” said Haegerstam. “When the engine requires warmer air, the charge air fan speed is reduced so that no ambient air enters the engine compartment and preheated air enters the air intake. With this system the machine believes the outside temperature is up to 30 degrees C higher than it actually is — for every 1 degree C the air intake temperature is raised, 1.5 degrees C is gained in the exhaust gas temperature. This technology reduces fuel consumption compared to the current conventional heat modes, which raise the exhaust temperature but are known for high fuel consumption.”
Another benefit of the system is that now that the air intake is located inside the engine compartment — in a cleaner and less dusty area — the filter service interval is expected to increase.