Income, Membership, Training Centers and Numbers of Trainees All Increase for IPAF in 2019
The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) experienced a strong trading year in 2019, reporting growth across the board in terms of membership, training delivery and territories covered, leading to increased revenues, up 8.1 percent compared to 2018, according to the federation’s latest Annual Report.
Once again, increased income from events (up almost 28 percent) and a 5.9 percent increase in training revenue, including significant growth in countries where IPAF previously delivered little or no training, all contributed to turnover surpassing £7 million for the first time.
Peter Douglas, IPAF’s CEO and managing director, said: “IPAF’s turnover in 2019 increased to £7.06 million (approx. €8.1m or U.S. $9.2m), representing growth of around 8.1 percent compared with 2018. I’m particularly encouraged by the fact that revenue from outside the U.K. reached 44 percent of total income for the first time, up from just over 40 percent in 2018.
“Growth in revenues delivered a trading surplus in the year, but significant investment in management re-structuring resulted in the company reporting a small overall deficit of just under £40,000, resulting in net assets at the year-end of £1.44 million, slightly down compared to 2018.”
IPAF’s total membership increased by 6.5 percent to stand at 1,422 at the end of the year, a significant improvement on the 1 percent increase in worldwide membership during 2018.
The number of new training centers accredited by IPAF reduced from 57 in 2018 to 45 in 2019, bringing the total number of accredited IPAF Training Centers at the end of 2019 to 550 in 48 territories, an increase of 3.6 percent at the end of 2018.
“We are pleased to report that the number of people undertaking IPAF training worldwide rose again during 2019, with 175,986 people successfully completing a course,” added Douglas. “This represents a 6.2 percent increase on 2018, when the figure was 165,750. Countries or regions that experienced substantial year-on-year growth include the Middle East (44 percent), Switzerland (20 percent) and the Benelux countries (18 percent).
“Of course, with the powered access industry worldwide experiencing challenging circumstances amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we expect to see a considerable impact on the overall 2020 trading picture. However, everyone at IPAF is committed to minimizing the economic impact of the disease and supporting our members and the industry at large in recovering quickly and sustainably as soon as national and international health and travel restrictions and economic conditions allow.”
The IPAF Annual Report 2019 has been published to coincide with the AGM, and is available in English to read now or as a digital download via; printed copies and translations into core IPAF languages have been deferred owing to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak but will be produced at the first practicable opportunity, IPAF said.