Ramirent to Outsource Scaffolding Services to Finnish Installation Firm

Sept. 4, 2013

Finland-based international rental giant Ramirent has signed an agreement with Barona Installation Services for outsourcing all of its scaffolding installation workers to Barona. Also, Ramirent signed a cooperation agreement with Barona concerning scaffolding installation services in Finland.

According to the agreement, 35 scaffolding specialists working for Ramirent’s scaffolding unit in Finland will move to Barona. The cooperation agreement with Barona will employ about 300 scaffolding workers annually.

“Our target is to ensure that we will have the capability to provide our customers with competitive, high-quality and flexible scaffolding and access solutions in whole of Finland,” said Jorma Korhonen, head of the project business unit of Ramirent Finland Oy. “The cooperation with Barona allows us to focus on project management and supervision, developing our core solutions further and strengthen our position in the market, while maintaining access to skilled scaffolders.”

Based in Vantaa, near Helsinki, Finland, Ramirent has operations in 11 countries in the Nordic region as well as Central and Eastern Europe.