Third Russian Rental Conference to Examine Rentals in Developing Markets
Aug. 15, 2012
With a focus on Russia and other developing rental markets, the third annual Russian Rental Conference will be held in Sochi, Russia, site of the 2014 Winter Olympics. To be held at the Rodina Grand Hotel in Sochi Oct. 11 and 12, the conference will analyze rental market development in countries such as Brazil, India, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus as well as the construction and aerial equipment rental market development in all federal districts of Russia.
Conference speakers will include:
- Rajiv Sethi, founder of Gemini Equipment and Rentals, reportedly India’s largest rental company;
- Paulo Esteves, executive director of Brazilian rental company Solaris;
- Alan Rose, from Alan Rose Consulting Services (U.S.);
- Larry Kaye, Script International (U.S.);
- Valeriy Klimenko, Russian Construction Equipment Rental Association;
- Vitaliy Markelov, director general of Aggreko Eurasia (Russia);
- Natalia Amirkhanyan, rental and used equipment consultant from Caterpillar Eurasia (Russia);
- Nikita Krotkiy, RusRental president;
- Frank Manfredi, Manfredi & Associates (U.S.) and more.
The conference is organized by RusRental, and registration is possible by visiting For further information, visit the website or e-mail: [email protected].