HSS Hire Strikes Sole Source Deal with British Waterways
U.K. tool and equipment rental chain HSS Hire has reached a deal as sole supplier by British Waterways in a five-year, multi-million pound equipment management deal. HSS will supply, manage and maintain all the tools and equipment held on long-term hire as well as provide all additional equipment requirements for BW’s nationwide canal and riverside maintenance work.
HSS will provide operational staff with online access to manage the rent/off-rent of equipment, review costs and provide management reports while ensuring full compliance requirements are achieved. HSS could also provide health and safety training, the company said.
“We work hard to deliver the things we know matter most to our customers — safety, value, availability and support — in order to give them an unrivalled hire experience and we’re looking forward to showing British Waterways just how good hire with HSS is,” said HSS Hire CEO Chris Davies.
“We are constantly reviewing the way we work to bring more efficiency and economy into our contracts whilst ensuring that Health and Safety and compliance legislation are not compromised so we’re really pleased at the benefits the HSS Outsource service offers us when it comes to managing our equipment obligations and costs,” said Rob Williams, senior procurement manager at British Waterways.
BW maintains and cares for more than 2,200 miles of the country’s nationwide network of canals and rivers across 11 regions in the U.K.
HSS Hire is based in London.