Joe Seckinger has experience with aerial products and also worked for leading dealerships

U.S. Markets Names Account Manager for Southeast

March 20, 2015
U.S. Markets, a wholesale lifting equipment rental, sales and reconditioning company, has named Joe Seckinger southeast regional account manager.

U.S. Markets, a wholesale lifting equipment rental, sales and reconditioning company, has named Joe Seckinger southeast regional account manager. Seckinger, based in Port Saint Lucie, Fla., will be responsible for new and existing customer relationships in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia.

Seckinger has more than 17 years of experience in new and used industrial and construction equipment sales with aerial work platform expertise with Genie and JLG products. In his previous position as general manager for road products at Linden Industrial Machinery, he helped drive the Wirtgen dealership from fifth largest to No. 1 in North America. Before that, Seckinger was road products specialist and area manager for AIS Construction Equipment in Michigan, a sales and rental company.

“Joe’s ability to leverage all of USM’s offerings including service and reconditioning options allows him to bring exceptional value to his customers,” said Chad Cochrane, USM’s general manager. “He enjoys working with owners, managers, branches and rental teams to strengthen their business development initiatives.”