AED/Infor Executive Forum to Incorporate Japanese “Pecha Kucha” Techniques

Sept. 15, 2014
The AED/Infor Executive Forum this week will cover the economy, dealer profitability, the skilled workforce crisis, labor regulations, business ownership transfer strategies and more. The Forum will take place at the Hilton Rosemont in Rosemont, Ill., Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18 and 19.

The AED/Infor Executive Forum this week will cover the economy, dealer profitability, the skilled workforce crisis, labor regulations, business ownership transfer strategies and more. The Forum will take place at the Hilton Rosemont in Rosemont, Ill., Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18 and 19.

The Forum will roll out its own version of a Pecha Kucha session, which is Japanese for “chit-chat.” A Pecha Kucha session is designed to pack a lot of knowledge into a tight, rapid-fire timeframe. This session will cover “Five Major Disruptors” to business as usual, offering action and advice to stay ahead of five game-changers currently infiltrating the equipment marketplace.

Five presenters are allowed 20 slides with 20 seconds per slide to speak, giving them less than seven minutes to convince the audience why their subject has the potential to change the listener’s business, the industry, the economy or all of the above.

What factors might change the world of equipment distributors?

·       No-Growth Environmental Extremists: Mike Thompson, owner of Thompson Tractor, Birmingham, Ala., shares his story of fighting opposition to highway building in the South. Such opponents are well-funded, well organized and uncompromising, he says, but the battle can be won by showing up.

·       Telematics and Your Customers: Can this technology preserve customer relationships by making them more competitive and profitable, and, in turn, making the dealership more profitable? Those who say “no” need to hear their five-year destiny from Stan Orr, executive director of the Association of Equipment Management Professionals.

·       Rental and the Factory-Authorized Equipment Dealer: Garry Bartecki, chief financial officer at Illini Hi-Reach, Chicago-based aerial rental company, offers new ways to make more money in rental. “You may be very surprised by what’s being left on the table,” says AED.

·       The Future Impact of Obamacare: Ryan Holst from Alper Services will discuss the meaning of current court challenges, the future impact on the business community given different scenarios, options and more.

·       What the Heck is a UAV and Why Should I Care? Zack Bruckenstein is a young lawyer in AED’s Washington office who recently sat for the bar and researched the subject of unmanned aerial vehicles and their application in construction. Is there a way to make money here? He thinks so.

Ample question and answer time with each Pecha Kucha presenter will be available.

Also AED has added Chandra Brown, deputy assistant secretary for manufacturing, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, to the program. Brown oversees a broad portfolio of programs aimed at increasing the international competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers. Managing a staff of more than 70 trade professionals, Brown is responsible for boosting U.S. exports of manufactured products, helping to create and support jobs for American workers.

Strengthening the global competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing is essential to the Obama Administration's agenda for economic growth and prosperity. In 2012, exports of U.S. manufactured products supported 7.3 million American jobs, an increase of more than 20 percent from when President Obama took office. In addition to increasing overall domestic manufacturing and emphasizing innovation in manufacturing, Brown is committed to increasing the exports of small and medium-size businesses given their pivotal role in generating jobs for American workers.   

            Brown brings many years of private sector manufacturing experience to the Commerce Department. Prior to joining the Administration, she worked for Oregon Iron Works, where she most recently served as Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of its subsidiary, United Streetcar, the first U.S. manufacturer to create a modern streetcar in more than 60 years. She was appointed to the U.S. Manufacturing Council by former Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke in 2010 and served as its vice-chair.

            To register for the Forum, go to– and register anyone else from your company for half-price.