WesternOne Inc.’s modular building division Britco and the Gitxsan Development Corp. have signed an agreement to establish a building rental and workforce accommodation business focused on large infrastructure projects proposed in Northwestern British Columbia, Canada. Britco and GDC will provide jobs, skills training and employment opportunities for Gitxsan Nation members and procurement opportunities for Gitxsan Nation member-owned businesses. Also, Britco and GDC will work with Evergreen BioHeat Ltd. to incorporate locally sourced Gitxsan Nation biomass as a green energy alternative to heating the workforce accommodations.
“We’re excited about this partnership because it gives Britco the opportunity to work with a successful First Nation owned business, whose members’ companies add capacity to Britco’s onsite construction team,” said Mike Ridley, president of Britco. “It’s a great fit that benefits both organizations.”
Britco is a division of Vancouver, B.C.-based WesternOne Inc., which also owns leading equipment rental company WesternOne Rentals & Sales.