The California Rental Association presented the W.E. “Bud” Loeber Friendship Award to Allen Buck, west regional manager of Virginia Abrasives at CRA’s 2014 Rental Rally Tradeshow held Jan. 13-15 in Pomona, Calif. The Loeber award honors the memory of Bud Loeber, a former assistant executive director of CRA, who was known for his helpful attitude, humor and kindness.
The award is presented annually to perpetuate the memory of Loeber’s positive attitude and is given to CRA members who demonstrate a sincere interest in the rental industry and people in it.
Buck currently serves on CRA’s Associate Member Liaison Committee and has been president of CRA’s Tri-County territory for several years. John Grill, CRA board member and owner of Aaction Rents in Windsor, Calif., presented the award to Buck.
Also, as previously reported in RER, CRA awarded Robert Pedersen, president of A Tool Shed, Campbell, Calif., with the James Gartland Memorial Award. The award, named for the founder of RER who was a long-time friend and supporter of the association, was presented by RER editor Michael Roth. Pedersen has been in the rental industry for 30 years and served on the CRA board of directors from 2003 to 2012, serving as chairman from 2008-2009, president from 2007-2008, treasurer from 2006-2007, and secretary from 2005-2006. Pedersen also served on many CRA committees — the Associate Member Liaison, Investment, Education, IT, and Bud Loeber Award Selection Committees. He is past president of CRA’s Northern Chapter and currently serves as the American Rental Association’s region 9 director.