Ritchie Bros. Sells More than CDN $64 Million of Equipment at Edmonton Auction

Sept. 6, 2013

Ritchie Bros Auctioneers sold more than CDN $64 million (more than U.S. $61 million) of heavy equipment, trucks and property during a two-day unreserved public auction at its permanent auction site in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Sept. 4 and 5. More than 5,350 equipment items and trucks were sold for more than 825 sellers, a new company record for most sellers in a single auction. Bids were made in person in Edmonton or online in real time at www.rbauction.com.

More than 5,600 bidders from 50 countries, including all Canadian provinces and two territories and 42 U.S. states, registered to bid in person or online for the auction.