TUV Rheinland certified the International Powered Access Federation’s operator training programs as complying with ISO 18878:2004 mobile elevating work platforms operator training standards. The audit took place at IPAF’s new headquarters in Cumbria, U.K.
IPAF fulfilled all requirements of the standard. The audit report highlighted positive aspects such as IPAF’s continued development of the training program, operations manual, and instructors’ thorough involvement and feedback; strong audit system; and clear customer focus with full compliance to the applicable legal and other requirements; and team approach to training control and its improvements involving the training centers and customers.
IPAF also meets the 2008 version of ISO 9001, having passed the surveillance audit this month.
“IPAF is an extremely well-organized outfit and a large part of their business involves auditing of member training centers and organizations, thus they are on top of auditing principles and methods,” noted David Willcocks, an ISOQAR auditor, in his report. “They have an excellent QMS and it is thoroughly appraised via internal audits by their own staff.”