CRA to Hold Bakersfield Rental Rally March 2-4

Feb. 19, 2010
The California Rental Association will present its 2010 tradeshow March 2-4 at the Kern County Fairgrounds in Bakersfield, Calif., where it held its 2007 Rental Rally Tradeshow. The show’s goals are traditional — helping members stay up-to-date with industry equipment and services along with opportunities for networking and educational seminars.

The California Rental Association will present its 2010 tradeshow March 2-4 at the Kern County Fairgrounds in Bakersfield, Calif., where it held its 2007 Rental Rally Tradeshow. The show’s goals are traditional — helping members stay up-to-date with industry equipment and services along with opportunities for networking and educational seminars.

Planned for the show are two days of equipment, party and services exhibits, an equipment demo area, round-table discussions, seminars and workshops. Seminars include a theft-prevention seminar by Lou Koven, a former LAPD detective who is now an investigator for the Crime Prevention Program of Southern California, and a seminar on credit-card certification. Tuesday night, March 2, will feature an open house/barbecue at BSE Rents in Bakersfield, and Wednesday evening, March 3, an onsite dinner and dance with a “Rolling into Bakersfield” motorcycle theme and a blues band.

Rental centers pay a flat fee of $100, which includes any number of employees.

More information is available at