Duke Aerial Paints Boom Purple for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness
Duke Aerial, Atlantic, Iowa, recently took up the cause of pancreatic cancer awareness by painting its aerial boomlifts and scissorlifts purple, the color of pancreatic cancer awareness, after co-owner Ken Tolton lost his wife Linda to the disease on Jan. 21.
Co-owners Tolton and Bert Heath will donate a portion of each purple lift rental fee toward the Linda Tolton Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation. Through this program, continual support will be given toward pancreatic cancer research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, which ultimately will help others touched by this disease.
The first purple units went on rent last week in St. Joseph, Mo., and at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo.
For more information about Rising Up for Cancer Research, visit www.dukeaerialinc.com.
Duke Aerial is a locally owned and operated aerial lift company with a fleet of more than 2,000 machines. The company has rental stores in St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo.; Omaha, Neb.; and Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, Iowa.