CNH Global has assembled an investor group to sell its Case-branded equipment in Florida beginning in May, the Wall Street Journal reported this week. The investment group will help the company rebuild its dealer network in the Southeast. CNH Global has been without Case dealers in Florida, the Carolinas and Georgia since January, when Briggs Equipment closed down its Case dealerships in Florida, the Carolinas and Georgia, the Journal said.
RER sources confirmed the closing of the Case dealerships in Georgia.
The investment group is composed of three partners, including West Palm Beach, Fla.-based Silvani Capital. The WSJ reported that the other partners are principals in machinery dealerships in Puerto Rico and Venezuela for CNH’s Kobelco and New Holland brands.
The group plans to open Trekker Tractor, which will begin operating in former Briggs stores in Miami, West Palm Beach and Tampa around May 1, and stores in Orlando and Fort Meyers during the summer.
Briggs officials were unavailable for comment about the closing of the dealership locations, although industry sources speculated that weak demand for earthmoving equipment prompted Briggs’ exit from the Case dealerships.
However, RER spoke with staff at the Briggs Industrial Division rental facility in Atlanta, who reported business as usual.