Houston — Aggreko, a world leader in rental power, temperature control and oil-free compressed air solutions, provided temporary power and heating systems for nearly all the events related to the inauguration of new president Barack Obama last month. Aggreko has provided power and temperature control for the past three presidential inaugurations.
“It's a great honor to play such an integral role in this important moment in our nation's history,” said Gary Meador, Aggreko's national event services director. “The inaugural committee is working hard to make all events accessible to record-breaking numbers of people, requiring flawless performance and a high degree of trust in Aggreko.”
Aggreko provided power and heat for the opening ceremonies at the Lincoln Memorial; the press tents, audio delays and security at the National Mall and the VIP area at Lafayette Park. Aggreko also powered the press areas, video and audio along the parade route, the Armed Forces Security screening area at the Pentagon; the ABC and CNN telecasts and several inaugural balls.
In all, Aggreko provided:
45 megawatts of power, enough electricity to power 450,000 medium-sized homes;
25 megawatts of heating, enough heat for 250,000 medium-sized homes;
35 miles of cable, nearly enough to stretch from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore;
More than 30 experienced Aggreko technicians from across North America.
Each event and venue, from the Lincoln Memorial to the parade route, requires coordination with different committees, governmental agencies and vendors,” said George Long, Aggreko events services senior project manager. “Aggreko provides onsite consultants to work hand-in-hand with the organizers to design an integrated solution and provide seamless coordination between all facets.”
Aggreko has powered some of the world's most high-profile events, including the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the 2008 Democratic National Convention and the National Football League's championship games, and has been chosen to be the exclusive rental power supplier to the upcoming 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games.
Headquartered in Scotland, with U.S. headquarters in Houston, Aggreko is No. 13 on the RER 100.