With its new Night Vision, Sullivan Palatek recognizes the importance of delivering sufficient light in all types of applications.
Night Vision is not intended to replace a standard light tower, but it does offer a low cost alternative to complete that smaller job or emergency in the middle of the night. Using four DC lights atop a 13-foot mast that swivels 140 degrees, the light allows the completion of jobs without high costs. There is no need for a vehicle pulling an air compressor and another pulling a high-powered light tower. Winch the mast up to maximum height, flick the panel-mounted switch and the light is ready to operate.
“Night Vision allows the rental company to increase utilization of its compressor fleet without any substantial increase in cost,” says John Clayton, vice president of sales. “The rental customer has a simple, low cost solution for that nighttime emergency.”
The company offers this product as part of its equipment lineup at a low cost. It can be retrofitted to existing Sullivan Palatek air compressors.
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