Dear RER:
I have been in the rental industry for nearly 10 years, and have found that your comments on customer service mirror the way I have always conducted business. I was never fortunate enough to be an owner, but like many in this industry, have always treated my job as if I were. The walls of customer service can be toppled easily. One late delivery or an unpleasant counter person can destroy a relationship that a salesman like myself has worked hard and long to mature. But on the flip side of that dangerous coin, a competent and knowledgeable staff can enhance and grow those relationships tenfold.
I invite every rental center owner out there to try to operate effectively and efficiently as a one-man show. It is impossible. Take the time to recognize how valuable all your staff is, from the suave salesman to the grease-covered yard person. Without these key people in your business, you wouldn't have a business at all.
Thank you for your great articles!
Jason Bieber
Fisher's Rental Center
Reading, Pa.