Ditch Witch
The Ditch Witch HT25 compact, light-utility trencher is ideal for replacing existing service lines, installing new service lines, small utilities, footings and landscaping projects such as water sprinkler systems. At 35 1/2 inches wide, the HT25 works in confined areas. It can be equipped with a cab, backhoe, backfill blade and one of three available digging attachments — centerline, wide-centerline and offset. The HT25 is mounted on rubber tracks with hydrostatic ground drive and independent track controls.
Circle 144 on reply card.
To tackle tough trenching jobs Bobcat offers four trencher attachments — the LT102, LT203, LT303 and LT405. With 2- and 3-foot dig depths, the LT102 and LT203 are designed for light-to-medium trenching jobs. The LT303, with its 3- or 4-foot dig depth, can handle medium-to-high production trenching, and the LT405, with 4- or 5-foot dig depth, is a high production trencher for use on Bobcat loaders with high-flow capability.
Circle 145 on reply card.
The George Evans Corp.
The POW-R-SPADE trencher was designed for projects like LP gas lines, seasonal water lines, downspout run-off, electrical lines and decorative lighting. It is easy to operate, transport and to maintain.
Circle 146 on reply card.
Case Construction Equipment introduces two new models to its trencher line — the 960 and the TF300B. The 960 is powered by a Case 4T-390 turbocharged engine that delivers 99.5 hp. The 18.5-hp Briggs & Stratton Vanguard engine in the TF300B provides increased trenching power with greater fuel efficiency, while operating with less vibration and noise and lower operating temperatures.
Circle 147 on reply card.
The redesigned 1.3-ton TC-13 trench compactor from Ingersoll-Rand focuses on productivity, reliability and safety. It operates with a standardized remote control that eliminates the need for an operator to enter the trench while compacting. Its radio remote operates at 433 MHz and includes an engine-mounted charger that recharges an extra remote battery while the engine is running. With an operating weight of 2,965 pounds and a centrifugal force of 17,100 pounds, the product achieves density requirements in cohesive and semi-cohesive soils.
Circle 148 on reply card.
The 4-wheel drive trencher from Barreto has a trench depth of 24, 30 and 36 inches and a trench width of 4 to 6 inches. Other features include direct hydraulic drive to head shaft, lower center of gravity, outboard support bearing and hydraulic chain reverse. The safety clutch stops wheels and chain immediately.
Circle 149 on reply card.
Brown Mfg. Corp.
The new model F-990H Bededger from Brown Mfg. can be used for bed defining or for trenching operations up to 9 inches deep and 3 inches wide. The 9-horsepower Honda engine provides the power needed to dig in tough clay soil and the higher elevations in the western states. Steerable wheels allow for defining tree rings and making fancy curves.
Circle 150 on reply card.
Trencher/edger models ME4HWT and ME35BWT from Maxim have 1/4- by 1-inch steel frame, high speed bearing, 9-inch star blade, 5/8-inch hardened blade shaft, debris shield, dual belts, 8-inch heavy-duty wheels with steel rims and 1-inch 14-gauge tubular steel handles.
Circle 151 on reply card.
Featuring a powerful direct drive system, the Toro DD619 trencher attachment offers multiple boom length configurations, a heavy-duty nose roller bearing and a convenient chain tensioner. This system incorporates a larger hydraulic motor that provides greater torque, a longer service life and lower maintenance concerns. With maximum power afforded to the trencher at all times, the unit is able to work through the toughest jobsite conditions while also allowing for shock/overload protection when required. This translates into both higher productivity and reduced downtime by eliminating belts and chains in the drive system.
Circle 152 on reply card.
Ground Hog
The Ground Hog T-4 trencher is a small, operator-propelled, chain type trencher designed for jobs requiring up to a 12-inch deep trench in a short period of time. It uses replaceable carbide tipped rock-type bits for digging in all soil conditions and will dig a 3- to 3.5-inch wide trench to depths of 6, 8 and 12 inches. Its narrow, compact design allows the trencher easy access around the jobsite. Heavy gauge steel is used throughout the trencher's construction as well as Timken tapered roller bearings and double-raw ball bearings to ensure trouble-free service.
Circle 153 on reply card.
The B-25 riding trencher is a rubber tired mini rider trencher that offers all the full features, power and productivity of a large trencher in a compact size. It offers enough power for both professionals and do-it-yourselfers. Engineered for reliable, easy and efficient operation, the B-25 hydrostatic front-wheel steering allows for smooth maneuvering through gates, round shrubs and close to walls.
Circle 154 on reply card.
Little Beaver
The Kwik-Trench is a portable trencher for residential sprinkler systems, cable TV, satellite dish drops, electronic dog fencing, electrical plumbing, telephone, gas lines, landscape edging, drainage lines and root pruning. It digs 20 to 30 feet per minute, 8, 10 or 12 inches deep. Plus, it also offers safe one-person operation.
Circle 155 on reply card.
The RT60 is the first mini-trencher from Vermeer in the under-10 hp class and is designed for general utility trenching and built to stand up to the usage demands of rental centers and contractors. The trencher is available with the choice of a 6-hp Kohler or 5.5-hp Honda engine. The chain and boom style trencher is equipped with the Vermeer shark chain that uses welded, carbide-tipped teeth and is capable of trenching 4, 8 or 12 inches deep and 3 inches wide. A standard crumber shoe on the unit provides the operator a cleaner and deeper trench.
Circle 156 on reply card.
Terminator trencher chains from Ballantine are available in many styles. The chains and teeth help eliminate trencher boom bounce and kickback experienced with traditional cutters and carbide rotary bits. There are low-profile welded Terminator chains, Terminator cup combination chains and full Terminator side-mount chains.
Circle 199 on reply card.