How much gasoline is expected to increase (in cents per gallon) with new regulations in the next few years.a.
Amount of air pollutants (in tons per day) that will be reduced by California's small engine regulations in 2010.b.
Average hour usage per year of a standard walk-behind lawn mower.c.
Estimated rental revenue per location of major rental centers in 2000.d.
Estimated revenue per location of regional rental centers.
Estimated revenue per location of independent rental centers.
Number of workers the construction industry needs per year.e.
Percentage of workers in construction and maintenance enrolled in registered formal training.
How often a personal property theft occurs (in seconds).f.
Percentage of the total value of construction job.
a. Energy Department;
b. EPA;
c. Outdoor Power Equipment Institute
d. Manfredi & Associates;
e. National Center for Construction Education and Research;
f. FBI