Mi-T-M Corp. introduces a gasoline-powered portable hand carry air compressor. The company designs compressors to meet the needs of the industrial and contractor professional who insists on quality tools and years of dependable service.
The compact design allows for easy transportation of the air compressor to any jobsite. The AC1-HH04-05M features 4.0 hp Honda OHV engine, quality single stage compressor, aluminum crankcase and head with cast-iron cylinder, portable twin-tank design, powder-coated 5-gallon capacity tank, drain valves and pressure release valve, protective pump and motor housing and a two-handled system for one- or two-person transporting.
“The gas engine offers more versatility on the jobsite vs. the electric units,” says John Lembezeder, national sales manager. “The unit offers a great value while still maintaining Mi-T-M quality standards.”
The air compressors provide quality components and safety features. The company is committed to quality and safety with every product. Special introductory pricing, discounts and freight allowances are available.
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