The new line of mid-range compressors from Ingersoll-Rand offers four models that use CE128 airend, designed to maximize performance and efficiency of the airend and engine.
The VHP 300 WIR, with 200 psi, is designed for drilling, dry ice blasting, pipeline testing and fiber optics cable installation. The HP 365 WIR, with 150 psi, can be used for painting and abrasive blasting operations. The P 425, rated at 100 psi, is suitable for drilling with multiple tools or small crawler drills and jobsites where more volume is needed. The XP 375 WIR offers a nominal 125 psi, which is variable up to 150 psi.
“The XP375WIR offers 125 psi nominal pressure with a pressure range of 80 to 150 psi, giving the customer variable ranges with one machine,” says Oscar Fernandez, marketing manager IR portable power business. “A single lever changes the pressure, making this a simple unit to operate in a broader range of applications.”
All mid-range compressors come with the same warranty options as all other IR compressors with IR engines. A five-year or 10,000 hours power train warranty is available covering the engine, coupling and airend for both parts and labor. New and used compressors can qualify if all service work is done by a certified Ingersoll-Rand equipment service center and only IR fluids and filters are used.
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