General Pipe Cleaners
A tool selection guide for drain-cleaning equipment is available free from General Pipe Cleaners. The Tool Selection Guide illustrates both cage-type and sectional power drain cleaners and manual equipment to clear lines from 1¼ inch to 10 inches in diameter. It is available in either poster size, 35 by 28 inches, or as an 8½ by 11-inch handout with general safety instructions on the back. A small version of the Tool Selection Guide can be downloaded from the company's website,, or the posters or handouts can be ordered free by e-mailing [email protected] or calling 800/245-6200.
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Electric Eel
Electric Eel Manufacturing introduces its new and enhanced line of portable high-pressure water jetters to its complete range of drain- and sewer-cleaning equipment. The newly expanded line offers eight models to choose from including two electric units and six gas models with features such as electric-start engines, removable hose reels and gear-driven triplex pumps. Units are available in 1,000 to 4,000 psi up to 5 gpm and feature Honda and Briggs Vanguard engines.
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Ridge Tool Co.
The Model KJ-1750 Ridgid water jetter is designed to propel a highly flexible hose through 1¼- to 4-inch drain lines, blasting through sludge, soap and grease blockages. As the operator pulls the hose back, it scrubs the line, flushing away debris and restoring drain lines to their free-flowing capacity. The unit features two levels of pulse, a working pressure of 1,750 psi and a flow of 1.4 gpm.
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