Breaking new ground, the Hilti TE 905 breaker with Active Vibration Reduction provides increased comfort because it provides up to 60 percent less vibration than any other tool in its class.
The tool can break concrete up to 5 inches thick, has the strength for floor and wall applications and is easier to handle than cart-mounted breakers. The unit has a durable, double-casing in-line design, providing perfect balance. The TE 905's AVR system, no-load hammering and kickback dampening device reduce stress on the tool and its user, which translates to less servicing and a better rental experience.
“The AVR is not a system that depends on springs and extra padding on grips,” says Tim Mautino, rental account manager. “It depends on a device inside the tool that is designed to take the recoil of the hammering motion and dissipate it in a non-linear method. Rental customers themselves can carry this breaker to their vehicles without a cart that is so common on bigger breakers, allowing rental counter personnel more time with other customers.”
Using its 13-amp motor, the unit has a hammering speed of 2,200 blows per minute and single impact energy of 12.5 foot pounds. Its light 25-pound weight belies its ability to take on challenging tasks, such as punching holes in concrete walls, breaking through basement floors or knocking down brick walls.
Circle 141 on reply card.