Thompson Pump
Thompson Pump introduces a fully modular, sound-attenuated, drop-on canopy, called the Silent Knight. The pump is capable of handling bypass pumping, flood drainage, wellpoint operation, emergency pumping and other dewatering applications. The pump is able to reduce noise levels to at or below 70 decibels at 7 meters. The easy-to-assemble, drop-on design gives users the option of having a sound attenuated unit, or a standard unit, making the pump more versatile by being able to operate in remote areas where sound levels are not a concern.
Gregory Harris, division manager, W.L. Hailey & Co., Atlanta, had success with the Silent Knight sound-attenuated pumps on a jobsite. “With this project located in a residential neighborhood, it was very important that the pumps run quietly,” said Harris. “We have met or exceeded all requirements for noise abatement and have received no complaints from local residents from the inception of the project to date.”
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CAT Pumps
CAT Pumps renames its direct-drive Plunger Pump used in portable pressure washers. The crankcase was designed with a new look, though the same internal components are used on the new 66DX models. The rugged eight-bolt forged brass manifold head, oversized high-strength connecting rods, concentric, solid ceramic plungers and forged, hardened crankshaft provide longer life and improved performance. This compact direct-drive pump delivers 4,000 psi.
“CAT Pumps have always been the Cadillac of plunger pumps,” said Chuck Shipp, president of Shipp Cleaning Systems, Conyers, Ga. “The carbide impregnated ceramic inserts improve longevity and the concentric gasket seals maintain your seal every time.”
Circle 156 on Reply Card ▸\rer
The 2- and 3-inch trash pumps from Wacker are now available with a new four-cycle engine and complete two-year warranty. The PT 2 trash pump is powered with the new 6-hp WM 170 engine. It weighs 96 pounds and can pump up to 210 gallons per minute with solids up to 1 inch. The PT 3 is powered by the new 9-hp, WM 270 engine. The 132-pound pump can handle up to 400 gallons per minute with solids up to 1.5 inches. The pumps feature a patented shimmable volute insert that is easily shimmied or replaced in the field.
Kevin Haefner, senior superintendent for J.E. Dunn, Kansas City, Mo., used a Wacker 3-inch trash pump to continuously pump water from a pond so that work could be done on the dam. “It worked very well, and even with the pond water, which has a lot of silt, it had a good capacity,” said Haefner. “We chose Wacker pumps because they are reliable. We continuously checked the oil throughout the job and we never had any problems with it.”
Circle 157 on Reply Card ▸\rer
Tsurumi's submersible pump model LSC-4 is designed to drain flat surfaces where a sump pump is not available, including standing water on rooftops, parking facilities, basements and pools. A check valve built into the base of the pump, just above the suction inlet, allows the pump to hold a prime. With the pump primed it will start pumping in virtually any water level and pump down to 0.04 inch. It operates with ½ hp and has a maximum capacity of 59 gpm.
Pat Davis, vice president Cessco, Portland, Ore., recommends Tsurumi pumps because they are priced competitively and they are tough. Davis recently rented pumps for the new parking structures at the Portland Trailerblazers' new RoseGarden arena. “They built these huge parking structures and rented the spots for $10 during hockey games,” Davis said. “When the people came out of the game at 11 o'clock at night they had to walk through 1-foot deep puddles in the parking lot to get to their cars.” Because the drainage wasn't hooked up for the new parking structures yet the water wasn't draining off. Davis rented 30 or 40 Tsurumi pumps to successfully pump the water from the structures.
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ITT Flygt
The Ready line of dewatering pumps from ITT Flygt were designed to address the contractors' need for a lightweight, easy-to-use, plug-in type submersible pump. The model Ready 4 weighs only 20 pounds, while models Ready 8 and 12 weigh 25 pounds. Made of stainless steel and composite synthetic materials, Ready pumps are corrosion- and abrasion-resistant, the maker says. They incorporate hard polyurethane impellers, rubber wear parts and double silicon carbide shaft seals. The performance range is up to 100 feet of head and up to 100 gpm.
Paul McCormick, superintendent with Team Fenex, Sandoval, Ill., relies on the Ready line of dewatering pumps for a number of reasons. “We use the ITT Ready line of pumps because they are lightweight, they can run dry indefinitely without burning up, and there's very little downtime with them. They work for us.”
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MMD Equipment
MMD Equipment offers pumps with heavy-duty performance in a lightweight, portable package. Honda engines deliver consistent power and performance, and Honda's automatic low oil shutdown helps prevent costly damage. Rugged roll cages accept heavy-duty wheel kits and lifting hook kits for easy job site mobility. The self-priming, cast aluminum pump heads have easy-to-replace nipples and flanges, extending the service life of the pump. The company's trash pumps have easy-open generous-sized covers for quick cleanouts.
Kevin Dooley, president of Bay State Equipment, Quincy, Mass., stocks the entire line of MMD Equipment pumps. “I've been selling their line for nine years and I've never had a problem,” Dooley says. “Their reliability is tremendous. They are cost competitive and they always have a good inventory available.”
Circle 160 on Reply Card ▸\rer
Gorman-Rupp now has complete engine-driven pump and engine packages with Redi-Prime pump ends. The Redi-Prime models join the company's existing PrimeAire Series and offer an alternative priming-assist concept. With sizes from 2 ½ to 30 inches, head to 470 feet, flows to 40,000 gpm and solids-handling capabilities up to 6 inches, the market now has a choice between the PrimeAire's venture priming-assist or the Redi-Prime's 50 SCFM diaphragm pump both offering automatic priming and re-priming.
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Godwin Pumps
The Godwin Dri-Prime automatic self-priming centrifugal pumpset is designed for bypass pumping applications, general dewatering and other uses. It is available in sizes from 2 to 16 inches. With maximum flows to 10,000 gpm, heads to 600 feet and solids handling to 5 inches in diameter, the Dri-Prime is capable of handling sewage, storm water, industrial sludges, oil and mine/quarry dewatering.
Doug Parsons, project superintendent for American Infrastructure, Worcester, Pa., has been using Godwin Dri-Prime pumps on bypass projects since 1995. “At Godwin, they design, build and maintain their pumps,” said Parsons. “Their service department is next to none, no one can compare. The field rep comes out, evaluates what's going on, makes a phone call and soon you have an army of Godwin technicians on site working on the problem.”
Circle 162 on Reply Card ▸\rer
Honda Power Equipment
Honda's new generation of trash pumps have been re-engineered for even greater output capacity, durability and serviceability that meet the rigorous demands of the construction and rental markets. The WT20XK3, WT30XK3 and WT40XK3 models maintain their compact design while the WT30XK3 provides a delivery rate of 320 gallons per minute. All three pumps are offered without a price increase over the previous generation. A new conical impeller allows for greater discharge durability and higher discharge capacity over extended periods of time, and in combination with a unique self-priming pump provides improved priming performance.
Circle 163 on Reply Card ▸\rer
STOW's centrifugal pumps are designed for clear water applications and are designed for a range of construction, municipal, agricultural and residential applications, such as dewatering basements and swimming pools. The CP-20H and CP-30H centrifugal pumps have capacities of 158 and 264 gpm, and a maximum head of 98 and 115 feet, respectively. They feature overhead valve engines for peak performance and minimal fuel consumption. The cast iron impellers and volutes are built for maximum life and both pumps have automatic engine shutdowns, wraparound heavy-duty steel frames and strainers to prevent clogging.
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Robin Subaru
Robin centrifugal pumps are available in 2-, 3- and 4-inch models. Each model is powered by the Robin Subaru EX Series overhead-cam engine, which provides maximum performance, lower emissions and improved fuel economy. The 2-inch PKX201 is powered by the EX13, a 4.5-hp engine, and offers a delivery volume of 158 gallons per minute. Powered by a 6.0-hp EX17 engine, the 3-inch PKX301 provides a delivery rate of 256 gallons per minute. An abrasion-resistant, cast-iron, three-blade impeller ensures long life, while a hardened cast-iron volute effectively withstands debris sucked through the strainer. The advanced volute design pumps water straight into the cavity for fast priming.
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