The new Bomag BPR65/52D-3 and BPR75/60HD-3 reversible plate compactors feature a hydraulic travel control system that ensures a smooth, easy transition from forward to reverse travel modes. A thumb-tip operated travel lever makes it easy to change direction or to hold the plate in a neutral position.
“By simplifying operation, the new travel control system reduces the learning curve and minimizes potential hazards for inexperienced operators,” says Peter Price, product manager. “The enhanced control and operator protection offers an additional benefit by reducing maintenance concerns and the potential for costly repairs.”
The BPR65/52D-3 delivers 14,625 pounds of centrifugal force at 4,380 vpm. The BPR75/60HD-3 provides 13,950 pounds of centrifugal force at 2,280 vpm.
Both new models are designed to deliver optimum results on both granular and mixed soil compaction applications such as construction backfill and trenches. With the addition of higher amplitude and increased travel speeds, the BPR75/60HD-3 also works well in high moisture and cohesive-content materials.
Built to withstand the rigors of any job site, the base plates on both units are constructed of high-grade cast iron and feature reinforced sides to increase strength. An open, self-cleaning design minimizes the build-up of dirt and debris.
Further enhancing durability, the rugged frame protects the engine from abusive jobsite conditions while enclosed v-belts extend the service life.
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Verified by Peter Price, product manager.