Finn Corp. has delivered a new line of hydroseeders called the Fire Finn-isher, which will soon be battling wildfires across the west.
The machine, a Finn HydroSeeder modified specifically for wildfire fighting capabilities, was to FireOut Enterprises, Forest, Va., which provides wildfire suppression and fuel reduction services to the U.S. Forest Service.
FireOut, which developed the FireOut Ice fire-retardant polymer gel that is sprayed on fires as well as around homes and trees in the path of wildfires, ordered the first machine from Finn in March.
“FireOut came to us with the idea of marrying its material technology without specialized spray equipment,” said Al Schrand, Finn's consumable product manager/turf specialist. “Together we decided that the Model T-330 HydroSeeder, which has the capabilities and output to cover up to an acre, would be ideal for FireOut technology.”
The seven distinct Finn Hydroseeder models are normally used to combine seed, fertilizer, soil amendments, mulch fiber, tackifier and other additives into thick slurry that is sprayed onto a seedbed for superior lawn seeding.
The rugged, truck-mounted Model T-330 HydroSeeder, with a 3,300 gallon capacity, was outfitted for FireOut with dual boom towers that can spray up to 200 feet as well as cab-operated side spray bars, providing the capability to spread FireOut Ice on fires in any of four directions.
After controlling and extinguishing fires, the Fire Finn-isher can be used to re-establish vegetation destroyed by the blazes, applying the machine like a traditional HydroSeeder and using the Finn Additive System to spur growth.
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