Mustang's new radio remote boom control option allows one worker to do the job of two, according to the company. The added option of the remote boom control eliminates the need for a helping hand on telehandler applications, freeing crew members for other tasks.
The Mustang telehandler radio remote boom control system allows the telehandler boom to be raised and lowered, extended and retracted from the remote control pendant. Operators can also shut down and start up the engine with the remote.
“By equipping a worker on the platform with this system, he will no longer need an operator in the cab to get him into position,” says Doug Snorek, marketing manager for Mustang. “He is able to move the boom to other areas of the structure he's working on or lower himself when the task is finished.”
The remote control is available on Mustang telehandler models 742, 944 and 1155. The remote is a separate option, so it can be added to a unit without the necessity of purchasing additional options, such as a work platform attachment. The remote can be used with other attachments, such as a truss boom or forks. Snorek says the advantage is that the operator is able to jump out of the cab and go to another area where visibility may be better and finish placing the load from the remote area. The remote is compact and portable, and features self-diagnostic technology.
Verified by Doug Snorek, marketing manager for Mustang Manufacturing.
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Available on: Models 742, 944 and 1155
Features: Self-diagnostic technology