You've probably already discovered them in your mail: specialized Web sites that want to help smaller companies go online at very little cost. Too good to be true? Actually, the deal is pretty good - at least for starters.
These e-business service providers are cheaper than hiring a consultant for a customized Web site and can be more than adequate for launching an online e-commerce effort. But the free software they provide will offer less flexibility down the road, and as companies outgrow the basic services, the monthly fees to maintain a site can increase, according to consultants.
If you are considering an e-business service provider, longevity is an issue. More than a dozen sites have proliferated in recent months, and not all of them are guaranteed to be around next year. Get all the details, experts advise, and choose with caution. but in the beginning, at least, you have very little to lose.
More than 90% of equipment manufacturers still don't sell direct online.
Source: GartnerGroup